Friday, August 21, 2009

Aunt Fer's Birthday and some school work

Happy Birthday Aunt Fer, we miss you!

This is a timeline I did in class, but I accidentally wrote 'timelime', that's funny. It shows when I was born, when I learned to walk, me playing soccer, and then me now in 2nd grade. Mommy thinks I did a great job on this, you can click on the picture to see it closer.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School

We went back to school today. I was so tired, but I did my homework and still had time to draw a picture. It is me and a boy on the playground during recess.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cincinnati Art Museum

I LOVE the art museum, my dad takes us some Saturday's went mommy has to work. They always have scavenger hunts and art projects to do. Today mommy got to go and see it all. We got to make these pieces with acrylic and foil papers. When I was done I added some foam cut outs and sparkly gems to the front.

This is the one my mom and dad made. Dad cut out the pieces and mom glued them down. To see Robert's just stop over at his blog.
