Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rainbow Mountains Secret Place

Here is Rainbow Mountain's secret place. It's rainbow so every time I go there I will enter a new part. The jewels on the trees are fruits, the color of the fruits are different then the color of real fruits. I used Gel Pens for the dirt and I cut out the trees with scissors. The shapes at the bottom where punched out. The shapes of the paper punchers were ovals,circles, but I didn't use the squares or the flowers.

Please come back next time to see more parts of Rainbow Mountain's Secret Place!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things from Play-Doh

Here are some animals, I made a dog,a seahorse and a fish.At the bottom I have a rose,a cupcake,a jellyfish and a Lego.I used a fake knife to put lines on things.I didn't cut the things out with the knife.